Ugh. Looks like I'm not going to be getting over this illness anytime soon, so I gave up on just resting and taking it easy and finished getting the chapter ready. On the positive side, looking over the translation with fresh eyes helped (hopefully) improve the quality of the translation. So there is that.
Anyways, you guys can find chapter 40 here.
Thanks go to Nanaseru (for translation checking and editing) and to this month's sponsor, TNarg.
Also don't forget to check out the translation that Nanaseru did for Side Story #1 here. I've also linked it from the blog's VRMMO main page.
I'm going to plan for finishing up the remaining section of the next chapter tomorrow, so after translation check, editing, and layout, that will probably be ready towards the end of the week.
The first two chapters of Aetheria will probably be ready for posting soon after that.